Monday, September 7, 2009


its weird...
when i mention this. i freeze.
i want to say don't laugh. i'll cry.
don't mention it, don't worry.
but i know. i want to hear this...
i want to know what people think,
i want verification, some safety net...
but that can't just happen.
i want to hear, "this imagery is perfect!"
or "that flows just right...."
but critique is life.
if i learn. i grow.
so i just have to keep telling people,
that this is me.


Lauren said...

an interesting post, i don't know what to make of it really, but it intriques me......

Bela said...

This piece flows so easily that I can tell you have a lot on your mind...keep at it! We all know channeling into hidden emotion is the greatest way to spark inspiration. And if there's anything you need, we're here for ya! This is your sanctuary, pour your heart out as you please =)

Maddie said...

haha thank you lauren! i think thats good... right!?!

and bela... yea... my life is kinda interesting right now. but the subject of the poem, if you couldnt tell... is my blog and my poetry. i guess it was that feeling where im always nervous to share my own work. except with like people from cwp and lauren. idk... its just kinda... nerve wracking....

Gina said...

It's nerve-wracking because your ideas are part of you, it's like being naked (PSYCHOLOGICALLY). And it was very clear what your poem was about.

Maddie said...

YES! exactly gina... and thank you :)

Bela said...

Well. I personally thought it to be literal, Gina, but if you insist...teehee only pushin' your buttons! I still love this piece, Maddie, probably one of the best poems I've read of yours...I love how your writing style keep changing and growing as YOU yourself grow as a writer and person :

Yep, I'm feeling deep today. Deal with it, Mom. I know it might scare you that I speak differently than other kids my age, but you love me. You love me.

Haha oh, good jokes at quarter to 11pm when I'm partially delusional. Well, that's all she wrote, folks! G'night!

Hey, ever wonder if barracuddas feel love?