tears flow down my cheeks
rivers, streams, in their own respects.
i open my eyes,
finding such glee,
them laughing,
me laughing,
just that bliss.
but looking,
in retrospect,
joining in.
and I'm sorry for this.
it's obvious,
that there is a lot of pain.
that the silence,
the echo in the room.
the shifting of the eyes
and his hand clenched on the mouse.
his one control.
and not me
not friends, not enemies.
But they.
are friends.
if jeopardized
im sorry. i am.
Whoa! Who is This about??
very strong images... I feel like I'm missing something though
haha thankk you... and basically i made a very funny, but very harsh joke. my friend, the guy took it very badly. and he was really upset not only with me, but two of his really good friends because they were laughing. we got past it, but im sorry.... it was a GREAT joke with a bad aftermath.
i agree w. maria when she says very strong images...but i wanna know the joke! i know i know i prob shouldnt want 2 know it but...its me comeon
We won't tell anyone! *puppy eyes*
Sounds like an awkward moment...at first I didn't understand that you were crying from laughter.
Verification: mercu
As in...Mercutio? :)
andd i guess ill email it to you. i dont want everyone in the world to have the ability to hear it... and thanks nooodle... hahaha gina is it too unclear!?!
WE FOUND MARA-KATE TODAY!!! Hahaha. I didn't recognize her at first, but we did find her & she remembered who we were. :)
By the way, how did you guys add me as your friend on facebook if I never set up an account???
welllllllllllll... i basically added your email, so if you ever do create a facebook, my facebook will immediately friend you, and ask you to hit accept.
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