Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Writers Block

Right now, I would like to write. I need to know that I can express something well, yet my fingers have typed and typed, and i have come up with nothing worth saving. I know that I have grown up, as a person. But especially in my writing. I don't know what taught me maturity so fast. Was it my friends, maybe family, or was it the fact that i am becoming a sophomore in high school, and freshman year, while fun, teaches you a lot of life lessons really quickly. I am not sure, but at the moment, I want to write. and i want to write well. all i can think of is writing this though. so maybe i will fall asleep now, and in the morning, i'll be able to write for the sake of writing.


Lauren said...

intresting, writing the thoughts in your head, maybe you actually didn't have writer's block after all....

Maddie said...

haha yea... i figured that this could possibly boost some imagination... it didnt, but its interesting to look back to...

Lauren said...

i bet, on something so deep, i always feel silly if i write something deep then go look at it again, lol